Campsite Rules, General Responsibilities and Conditions

We welcome you to the M@C Campsite. We have drawn up these rules for your benefit, and ask all campers to abide by these rules to ensure that your stay will be pleasurable and at the same time respecting the other campers and local community.

  • It is the responsibility of all campers to ensure that no damage is caused to the site. The whole campsite should be respected and kept in a clean and orderly condition. Please show consideration for other campers, the land owner and the community.
  • Pitches will be set out such that no tent or caravan is closer than 3meters to any other caravan or tent on an adjacent pitch nor closer than 3 meters to any boundary fence or hedge. Cars may be parked between caravans or tents provided they are not parked closer than 1 meter to a caravan or tent in the same occupancy and at least 3 meters from caravans or tents of other occupancies. A carriageway of at least four meters will be maintained between rows.
  • Arrival times: The Festival Campsite will be open from 4pm Friday 5th July 2024.  The entrance will be clearly signposted. Please report to the campsite administration office on arrival – you will then be guided to your allocated pitch (es). Please note that we are unable to allow caravans/campers to move on to their allocated pitch (es) between 22.00 hours and 08.00 hours for reasons of health and safety and the convenience of other campers. Please time your arrival accordingly.
  • Departure Times: All NON Camping and Caravan Club member caravans/campers must have vacated the site by 5pm Sunday 7th July 2024
  • Location of Campsite: The campsite is ideally located within walking distance of Festival venue via an off road track.
  • Facilities: There will be a water point, toilets, rubbish disposal facility and Elsan and grey water waste disposal tank.  Please remember to leave the facilities as you would wish to find them and follow any instructions relating to COVID cleanliness.
  • Juniors/Children: Parents should ensure that children are not left unattended.
  • Entry Tickets: When booking you will be issued with an Eventbrite receipt for your camping. Please bring a copy of this with you as this will be required for access to the camping field. On arrival at the campsite each guest will be issued with a wristband which should be worn at all times. People on the campsite without wristbands may be asked to leave the campsite. Camping tickets can only be bought with festival tickets.
  • Campsite Etiquette: Please show consideration for other residents of the Campsite by not causing noise, playing radios/music too loudly, etc. Please dispose of all rubbish, litter etc in the bins provided. If a camper does not show consideration, the Organisers reserve the right to cancel their booking at which point they will have to immediately leave the campsite.
  • A quiet site policy: Campers are requested to avoid excessive noise at all times, being quiet between the hours of 11pm and 8am. (Those who do not comply may be asked to leave the site.)
  • Dogs: Dogs must be kept under close control, not left unattended, exercised away from camping areas and any mess cleared up immediately.
  • All Vehicles: A 10 mph speed restriction will be observed at all times.

A reasonable amount of alcohol will be permitted to be consumed in the camping field only. No glass bottles are allowed in any field due to the fields being used by livestock.

  • Fire points: The Event Organiser will ensure that there are adequate fire points and a system of raising the alarm in the event of fire.
  • LPG: Bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas will not be permitted. Campers are permitted only to bring sufficient LPG for their own use during the event.
  • Fires, barbecues, Chinese lanterns and fireworks are NOT permitted.
  • Site Security: We will have security staff at the campsite at all times. However, it is strongly recommended that, no valuables are left unattended.
  • Petrol/Diesel Generators: For reasons of noise and for health and safety these are not allowed on the site. The only generator permitted within the campsite is the unit provided by the HNCA Committee for supply of lighting. Any generators found operating on the campsite other than those mentioned above will be shut down. If a resident of the caravan/camp site persists in using an unofficial generator they will be asked to leave.
  • The HNCA Committee reserves the right to ask any Group to vacate the site and make good any damage caused. We thank you for your co-operation.
  • The HNCA Committee and Campsite staff shall not be liable for any loss or damage to property or personal injury sustained whilst on the premises, howsoever caused. The Committee shall not be held liable for refunds in the event of adverse weather conditions or any other reason for visitors terminating their stay on the site early.
  • The Organiser shall not be under any liability for any failure to perform any of its obligations under this agreement due to Force Majeure. For the purposes of this clause, Force Majeure means fire, explosion, flood, lightning, Act of God, act of terrorism, war, rebellion, riot, sabotage, strike, disease or events or circumstances outside the reasonable control of the Organisers which renders, in the Organiser’s reasonable discretion, performance of the contract inappropriate.

We hope that you understand the need for these simple rules and that they are for the benefit of all who stay at the campsite.